
Coaching & Mentoring

One on one and group sessions are offered in executive coaching and mentoring. Strategies that involve relationship building and healthy boundaries will be pre-eminent. Coaching and mentoring will utilize the same skills and approach but coaching will be short term and mentoring long term. Services will be tailored to suit the customer.

Workshops & Seminars

Evidence-based workshops and seminars are presented in four to eight weekly sessions. Workshop topics include problem solving, anger management, restorative justice, risk management, addictions. Power source (Lionheart Foundation) and how to use thinking reports. 

Motivational Speaking

Speaking venues include but not limited to; Businesses, government and faith-based organizations, community centers, juvenile justice facilities, schools, retreats, and non-profit organizations. 

Conference Presentations & Breakout Sessions

Conference Presentations an break-out sessions are researched-based and established on principles in behaviour management. Presentations and workshops address topics that include but not limited to; Establishing a healthy social climate, positive re-enforcement, teaching reponsibility, social learning, trauma interventions and how the environment plays a role in behaviors.

Experiential Education & Facilitation

Research teaches that we learn 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, and 50% of what we see and hear, 70% of what we say, and 90% of what we say and do. Teams can learn from processing activities through a facilitator asking, probing, open ended questions about the activity. The experiential learning cycle will enable a team to utilize initiatives as a practice environment of growth and challenge but it also allows the team to understand how everything applies back to the living environment.  

Crisis Intervention & Verbal De-escalation

Customer service representatives and front staff in hospitals, justice facilities, and schools all have had encounters with volatile, hyper-aroused people. It is critical to have the verbal skills and training necessary to de-escalate such people. Individuals or groups will learn how to successfully respond and diffuse threatening behavior by recognizing the prevalent threat level through evidence-based models of de-escalation. 

Program Implementation & Continuous Quality Improvement

Evidence-based program development and implementation will be based on the cognitive behavioral model, which teaches that feelings and thoughts comes from attitudes and beliefs. Beliefs are ideas, principles or values that we use to evaluate ourselves and other people. Beliefs and thinking controls the way we act toward others. Foundational concepts include antecedent, veliefs and consequences, self-talk, irrational ideas, positive re-enforcement and extinction. Follow up coaching is available to all recipients involved with program implementation. 

Emotional Regulation

Refers to a person’s ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience.  Within the juvenile justice and academic environments are many triggering events that may cause a youth to become dysregulated and act out in a negative manner.  Strategic Interventions introduce strategies and techniques to reduce triggers by “flipping the switch” from hot to cool by helping youths to effectively manage their emotions in a pro-social way.